Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!!!!

My little sister's birthday was yesterday, December 18th. She turned the big 20. To celebrate I took her out to Happy Sumo and we enjoyed some sushi and a little break from finals. Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!!!!!!

Brand new Do

So Monday I just went in because I needed a little trim...but, two hours later I came out looking like this.

Okay, so this is really what I look like. The stylist did a great job and I love the new look a lot. Change is always fun, plus it is hilarious because most of my friends have to do a double take before they realize it's just me.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


So Tim proposed last night (December 1, 2007) at our company Christmas party. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the wonderful event, because I was a little preoccupied at the time. Lots of our friends took pictures though so we should have some eventually. For now I will just explain how it happened and hopefully that will make due for a little while.

As many of you know, Tim and I met this summer while we were working as river guides down in Moab for World Wide River Expeditions. We starting talking about marriage right before we both went back to school and even went ring shopping. However, before an actual proposal can take place there are several things that need to happen. First of all we wanted to make sure that it was the right thing to do and that we would be able to handle having a long distance relationship (not a problem :) Second, Tim had to get the ring, which he OCTOBER!!!!! Not that I am complaining or anything but I had to wait a really long time (hehehe just giving you a hard time babe). The third thing, Tim was determined to do, was to personally ask my father for permission. I thought this was very sweet and of course my Dad said yes when I took Tim back to meet my family for Thanksgiving. Then the fourth and final thing is perfect timing. I knew it was coming but I had no idea when. Last night at our Christmas party we wore ugly sweaters and did a white elephant gift exchange. Tim and I had been planning to tell our co-workers at the party despite the fact that we weren't official. So Tim framed an 8x10 copy of the photo you see above and included a note that was to be read after all the presents had been opened and exchanged. The note announced that we were planning to get married and as everyone started cheering and yelling congratulations. Then Tim stated that it wasn't official yet and before I knew what was happening he had grabbed the ring from his pocket and was down on one knee...that wasn't part of the plan :) But I was so excited!!!! (I had thought he was going to do it when I went up to see him on December 15th for our 6 month anniversary) Anyway I hugged him, gave him a kiss, and of course I said YES. It was perfect, the ring is perfect, he is perfect. I couldn't have hoped for a better match. We are planning to get married sometime during the last half of May; when we know the exact date we will let everyone know so stay posted.

For those of you who would like to see pictures of the ring I tried to take a few. It was hard to take closeups, they all came out blurry. Enjoy!

Thanks Tim, I love you so much.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Home for Thanksgiving

I finally got to take Tim home to meet the family. We left at 6 am the morning of the 20th and came back late on the night of the 25th. It was a fun trip and I am happy to say my family approves and greatly enjoyed Tim's company. Sorry it has taken me a while to get a post up but I was kind of waiting on some pictures from my mom...which I still haven't received so I will add those when they come. I have a couple on my camera though that you can look at below. Hopefully that will be sufficient enough for now. We didn't really do a whole lot. Unfortunately I was kind of sick on Wednesday :( But luckily I was fine for thanksgiving and we enjoyed a wonderful meal. We did see August Rush while we were out visiting and it is an AMAZING movie that Tim, myself, and my family highly recommend.

Some of the other activities of the trip included long bus rides; a late night walk down state street; visiting with grandma, grandpa, and great grandma; watching Tim and Kent wrestle; walking the dog...yeah nothing too crazy just spending time with loved ones.

(don't worry, just creme soda)

Going dread

Tim finally got his dreads! He has been wanting them for a while and waiting patiently so here is some documentation of the whole experience. Let me just say it was quite the process, about 4 hours total. But it really wasn't too bad we watched three different movies and just had a good time. The worst part was the dread wax, it stuck to everything! I was still washing it off my hands five hours later. I am not really sure how a good dread job is supposed to look but I think I did okay for my first time. At least Tim likes them, and really that's what matters. crazy man. He makes me laugh and I love him for it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Looking back on Halloween

Halloween is a wonderful time of the year. I love dressing up in silly costumes, eating tons of junk, and hearing scary stories. This year I celebrated halloween at work with some of my very good friends. Just thought I would share a few pictures.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Look what Tim did!

After five months of dating, this is the first opportunity I have had to actually see Tim's face. However, I will admit that it is hard getting used to. I couldn't stop staring at him...even now I look at the pictures and have to remind myself it's him. Sure I have seen pictures of him without facial hair, but this is different- he looks like the guy in the pictures- I almost felt like I was cheating on him! hahaha :) With or without the hair, I love him just the same, and it is really nice to be able to see what a great smile he has. Anyway, just thought I would share Tim's new look with all of you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To All the Wonderful People In My Life

Life is a theater so invite your audiences carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life who need to be loved from a distance. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships, friendships, fellowships, and family!

Not everyone can be in your front row.

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention to: which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage, and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are just going downhill? When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know, and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?

Not everyone can be in your front row.

The more you seek God and the things of God, the more you seek quality; the more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God, the more you seek things honorable; the more you seek growth , peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.

Not everyone can be in your front row.

You cannot change the people around you... but you can change the people you are around! Ask God for wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who sit in the front row of your life. Remember that front tow seats are for special and deserving people and those who sit in your front row should be chosen carefully.

Everyone can't be in your front row.

~Author Unknown

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A not so big surprise

So this weekend I got a ride up to Twin Falls with Jared in an attempt to surprise Tim, but he already figured I was coming....oh well, it was fun anyway!
This is the new car. Tim was just checking to make sure everything was running smoothly.

It's a long way down...400 ft to be exact. WOW!!!! (yes I was terrified)

Did I mention it was snowing?

I got this somewhere around 300 ft or took a little while to get going again, but I made it :)

Tim yells alot...anyone else notice? ( ya babe!)

Look out below!

A true mountain man...

That's a long way up...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Just thought you all should know...

This is the most amazing boy ever!!!!

Just another Day at Work

I work for a fun little place called the BYU Telefund. I am a student supervisor so basically what I do is monitor calls, answer questions, and give people suggestions on ways to improve their calling. I also get the opportunity to plan a theme week twice a semester. Themes are used to keep things fun and interesting for the callers. This past week I was in charge of theme and I decided to do outdoor adventure week. The pictures I have posted were from "Safari Day". If you can't tell, Becky and I are supposed to be Zebras...we just liked the sunhats too. It was a lot of fun. Stay tuned for Disney week in about a month!